Wednesday 25 November 2015

Robert Pickton

Robert William "Willie" Pickton was born October 26th, 1949. He is a former multi-millionaire pig farmer in Canada and is also a convicted serial killer, imprisoned for the murders of 49 victims.
In 1992, Robert Pickton and his brother, David, owned a Port Coquitlam farm. One of the workers, Bill Hiscox, described it as a "creepy-looking place" and was guarded by a large 600-pound boar which was rather aggressive and territorial. Pickton was described as a "quiet guy" who was hard to maintain a conversation with.
Robert Pickton's first brush with the law was on March 23rd, 1997. He was charged with the attempted murder of Wendy Lynn Eistetter, a prostitute whom he had stabbed several time during an argument at the farm. Eistetter told police that Pickton has handcuffed her and began to stab her. She eventually escaped, disarmed him and stabbed him with his own weapon. He was released on a $2,000 bond.

Over the next few years, Hiscox noticed that women who visited the farm were to never be seen again and were eventually reported missing.
In February 2002, police gathered a search warrant to investigate Pickton's property due to the possession of illegal firearms. Once the brothers were taken into property, a second search warrant was issued as evidence led police to believe that they brothers could have had something to do with a number of missing women, dating back to September 1978. Personal items were discovered on the farm, including an asthma inhaler. However, this was still not enough to convict Pickton of any murders. As a result, the brothers were released after being charged with the possession of illegal loaded firearms and were kept under police surveillance.
As police continued to search the property, the unearthed some gruesome discoveries, such as skulls cut in half and stuffed with human hands and feet, bloody clothing belonging to a victim, a jawbone and teeth belonging to another victim, and the DNA from 33 women. They also discovered a .22 revolver with a dildo attached to the barrels, two pairs of fur-lined handcuffs, a pair of night-vision goggles, and photos of a garbage can containing the remains of a victim.
Eventually, on February 22nd, Robert Pickton was charged with the murders of Sereena Abotsway and Mona Wilson. On April 2nd, he was then charged with the three murders of Jacqueline McDonell, Diane Rock and Heather Bottomley. He was then charged with the murder of Andrea Joesbury on April 9th, shortly followed by the charge of the murder of Brenda Wolfe. Then, on September 20th, he was further charged with the murders of Georgina Papin, Patricia Johnson, Helen Hallmark and Jennifer Furminger. As more evidence was discovered at the farm, Pickton continued to be charged with the murder of these missing women and eventually, the body count totaled up to 15 victims. Finally, on May 26th 2005, Pickton was charged with 12 more murders. While in custody, Pickton had a conversation with a fellow inmate about the murders, however, he was unaware that this inmate was in fact an undercover police officer. He told the man that he wanted to kill just one more victim in order to bring his victim count up to 50. This suggested that Pickton was responsible for 49 murders.
The investigation was the largest in Canadian History and is estimated to have cost the government $70 million by the end of 2003. Forensic teams struggled to identify many of the bodies due to the level of decomposition and due to the fact that some of the bodies had been eaten by insects and pigs. On March 10th, 2004, it was discovered that Pickton may have ground up the flesh from his victims, mixed it with pork and then sold it to the public. It was also believed that he fed the bodies directly to his pigs.

The trial began on January 30th, 2006. Pickton could only be charged with 27 murders due to the lack of evidence suggesting that there were a total of 49 victims. He pleaded not guilty to each charge, one which was later rejected as there was a lack of evidence. The 26 charges were split as the court did not want to put too much strain on the jury. On December 6th, Pickton was found guilty for six of the murders and was sentence to life-imprisonment. On August 4th, 2010, the remaining 20 charges were stayed.
To this day, Robert Pickton remains incarcerated, however, it is unlikely that remaining 20 charges will be continued.

Tuesday 24 November 2015

The Columbine High School Massacre

Eric David Harris was born on April 9th, 1981 and Dylan Klebold was born on September 11th, 1981. The two were the result of the Columbine High School massacre where 13 victims were killed. To this date, this high school shooting is known as one of the most devastating in all of American history.
Harris was born in Kansas but later relocated to Littleton, Colorado where he met Klebold. The two boys had reasonably normal childhoods and were loved deeply by their families. As the boys grew up together, they went to the same high school, 'Columbine High'. They were both interested in drama and were regularly taking part in school productions. They also took an interest in operated video productions. Throughout their high school lives, Harris and Klebold were very unpopular and were targets for bullies. One of Harris' last journal entries read: "I hate you people for leaving me out of so many fun things. And no don't...say, 'Well, that's your fault,' because it isn't, you people had my phone number, and I asked and all, but no. No no no don't let the weird-looking Eric KID come along."
One of the boy's friends stated that the two were constantly picked on by other students. People would surround them in the corridor and would squirt ketchup packets at them, taunting them with names such as "faggots". On one occasion, it was noted that the two boys had a cup of fecal matter thrown at them. Brooks Brown, a friend of the two boys, said, "That happened while teachers watched. They couldn't fight back. They wore the ketchup all day and went home covered in it."
Chad Laughlin states, "There were people fearful of walking by a table where you knew you didn't belong, stuff like that. Certain groups certainly got preferential treatments across the board. I caught the tail end of one really horrible incident, and I know Dylan told his mother that it was the worst day of his life." This incident involved seniors pelting Klebold with ketchup-covered tampons.

Eric Harris had created a website where he and Dylan were able to talk about the hatred they had for their neighbors, classmates and the world in general. They also uploaded the results of pipe bombs they had created. In March 1998, Jefferson County Sheriff's Office Investigator, Michael Guerra, discovered Harris' website after the parents of Brooks Brown stated that Harris was making threats aimed at their son after the two had fallen out.
The boys had also got into trouble with the law after breaking into a locked van and stealing computers. They were both charged with mischief, breaking and entering, trespassing and theft. However, the only sentence the boys received included community service and psychiatric treatment where Harris was forced to attend anger management classes. They both made a good impression on their probation officers and the boys were soon discharged from the program.
After this incident, Harris began keeping a journal. After the shooting, police found that the journal contained almost every detail about the boys plan to shoot up their school. However, the journal didn't necessarily say why they did it.
On April 20th, 1999 at 11:14 AM, Harris and Klebold set of a small fire bomb in a field about three miles away from their school. The purpose of the was to create a diversion to draw firefighters and emergency vehicles away from the school. The boys had arrived at the high school separately. While Brooks Brown was smoking a cigarette during lunch, he saw Harris who approached him and said, "Brooks, I like you now. Get out of here. Go home." Without hesitation and slightly confused, Brown left school around 11:19 AM, later hearing the sound of gunfire on his way home.
Klebold and Harris both set up a 20-pound propane bomb inside of the school cafeteria. However, the devices failed to detonate and so, the boys armed themselves with guns and began the shooting.
17-year-old Rachel Scott was having lunch with her friend, Richard Castaldo in the cafeteria. He stated that he saw one of the boys throw a pipe bomb and as it barely detonated, Castaldo didn't take the boys seriously. Suddenly, a witness heard Harris yell, "Go! Go!" The two boys pulled their guns from beneath their trench coats and began shooting at the students. Scott was hit four times and died instantly while Castaldo  was shot eight times in the chest, arm and abdomen and was paralyzed below the chest.
Harris then removed his trench coat, aiming his 9mm carbine towards three students: 15-year-old Daniel Rohnrbough and Sean Graves, and 16-year-old Lance Kirklin. However, none were killed. Harris and Klebold then began shooting in the direction of five students where one was killed. Klebold then walked down the steps towards the cafeteria where he walked up to Kirkin who was already wounded and lying on the ground, calling for help. Klebold said, "Sure. I'll help you". He put his gun up to Kirkin's face and pulled the trigger. Remarkably, the boy survived.
The boys began throwing pipe bombs as they walked towards the West Entrance of the school. Meanwhile, Patti Nielson, an art teacher, could hear the commotion, thinking that Harris and Klebold were either filming a video or pulling a student prank. She walked towards the West Entrance with another student, Brian Anderson, to tell the boys to "knock it off". As Anderson opened the doors, Harris and Klebold shot out of the windows, injuring him. Nielson ran down the hall into the library where she told students to keep quiet and hide under the desks. She then called 9-1-1 and hid under the counter.

At 11:29 AM, Harris and Klebold entered the library where a total of 52 students, two teachers and two librarians waited in fear. Harris yelled, "Get up!" and then, "All jocks stand up! We'll get the guys in white hats!" When one of these 'jocks' stood up, Harris said, "Fine, I'll start shooting anyway!". He then fired his gun at a desk where Evan Todd was hiding, however, he was not seriously injured. Klebold then shot and killed 16-year-old Kyle Velasquez who was hiding under a desk. The two boys then reloaded their weapons. As they approached the window, they noticed police officers evacuating students outside of the school. Harris turned to Klebold and said, "Let's go kill some cops." Suddenly, the two boys began shooting in the direction of the police who opened fire, however, no one was injured. Harris and Klebold began shooting up the library again, injuring a number of students. Harris shot under a computer desk, injuring 17-year-old Kacey Ruegsegger who began to gasp for air. He turned to her and said, "Quit your bitching."
Harris then walked over to another table, slapping the surface twice and knelt down, saying "Peek-a-boo" to 17-year-old Cassie Bernall who was hiding under the table. He shot her in the face and she was killed instantly. Harris then turned towards the next table where Bree Pasquale was hiding under. He asked her if she wanted to die to which she starting begging for her life.
Meanwhile, Klebold had shot Patrick Ireland who was trying to help a fellow student. However, Ireland survived. Klebold then walked towards another set of tables where he found three other students. He grabbed 18-year-old Isaiah Shoels and shouting to Harris, "REB! There's a nigger over here". The two boys began to taunt Shoels before Harris knelt down and shot him once in the chest at close range, killing him instantly. Klebold then killed another student, Matthew Kechter. Before throwing a CO2 bomb, Harris shouted, "Who's ready to die next?". The two boys continued to walk around the library, shooting in random directions and killing or injuring any student who moved. Harris would taunt some of the students, calling them "pathetic" while Klebold repeatably shot at the corpse of 16-year-old, Josh Tomlin. When the two boys went to reload their weapons again, they noticed John Savage hiding nearby, an acquaintance of Klebold. When he asked them what they were doing, Klebold replied, "Oh, just killing people." Savage then asked the boys if they were going to kill him to which Klebold hesitated before finally telling the boy to leave.
Harris continued to walk around the library, killing or wounding the remaining untouched students. Corey DePooter was the last to die in the massacre at 11.35 AM.
The two shooters had grown tired of using guns and Klebold commented, "Maybe we should start knifing people, that might be more fun." They walked over to the southwestern end of the library where they discovered 15-year-old Evan Todd. They saw that he was wearing a white-cap and began to mock him. Klebold then asked Todd to give them one reason why he should leave to which he replied, "I don't want trouble." A furious Harris said, "You used to call me a fag. Who's a fag now?" However, the two boys did not kill the jock. At 11.36 AM, the boys finally left the library.

Harris and Klebold were caught of the schools CCTV footage as they re-entered the cafeteria. They finally lit one of the propane bombs that they had left and left the cafeteria once again. They walked into the bathroom, taunting the students hidden in the stales and saying, "We know you're in here" and "Let's kill anyone we find in here." However, they left the bathroom, bringing no harm to any of the students hiding. After returning to the cafeteria for one last time, at 12.02 PM, Harris and Klebold reentered the library which was now empty due to the exception of the unconscious Patrick Ireland and injured Lisa Kreutz. It had been twenty-minutes since their lethal shooting spree had ended.
At 12.08 PM, Patti Neilson, who had locked herself inside of a room, overheard Harris and Klebold shout out in unison: "One! Two! Three!" and then, the sound of gunfire. The two boys had committed suicide; Harris shooting himself through the roof of his mouth; and Klebold shooting himself in the left temple.

Monday 23 November 2015

Aileen Wuornos

Aileen Carol Wuornos was born on February 29th, 1956 in Michigan. She later grew up to become one of the most famous American serial killers in history after killing seven men between 1989 and 1990.
Aileen had an incredibly rough and depressing childhood. She had never met her father, Leo Dale Pittman, as he was incarcerated at the time of her birth for the sexual crimes against children. After being diagnosed with schizophrenia, he hung himself in prison on January 30th, 1969.
As the years went on, Wuornos' mother abandoned her and her brother, Keith; leaving them with their grandmother who eventually legally adopted them.
From a very young age, Wuornos had been engaging in strange and abnormal behavior and at the age of 11, she had began taking part in sexual activities in school for exchange for cigarettes, drugs and food. She even participated in sexual activities with her own brother. It is also said that Wuornos was being sexually assaulted and beaten by her alcoholic grandfather and in 1970, when she was just 14-years old, Wuornos has fallen pregnant after being raped by her grandfather's friend. In March 1971, she gave birth to her son in a home for unwed mothers and later put him up for adoption. A few months after the birth, Wuornos decided to leave school, just some time after the death of her grandfather. When she reached the age of 15, her grandmother kicked her out of the house, where she lived in the woods and supported herself as a prostitute.
Throughout the years, Wuornos was arrested a number of times due to driving under the influence, disorderly conduct, firing a gun from a moving vehicle, assault, disturbing the peace and not turning up to court.
In 1981, she was arrested in Florida due to an armed robbery in a convenience story, where she stole $35 and two packs of cigarettes. In 1982, she was sentenced to prison and was released one year later. However, this did not stop her from committing crimes and from 1982-1988, she was roughly arrested around ten times.

On November 30th, 1989, Wuornos killed her first victim. His name was Richard Mallory, aged 51. He was a convicted rapist who she claimed to have killed in self-defense. His body was found on December 13th and he had been shot several times.
Her next victim was 43-year-old Davis Spears. In June 1990, his naked body was discovered along the highway in Florida and it was found that he met the same fate as her previous victim, after six bullet wounds marked his body. Just 5 days after the discovery of the second body, the third was found. 40-year-old Charlies Carskaddon's body was found in Pasco County, Florida. Like the previous victims, he had also been shot several times.
More and more men were being reported missing in such a small space of time. In July, 65-year-old Peter Siems' car was found abandoned in Orange Springs, Florida. A witness stated that they saw Wuornos and her partner, Tyria Moore, leave his car; however, Siems' body was never found.
Troy Burress, aged 50, was her fifth victim. On July 31st, he was reported missing before his body was found in a wooded area on August 4th. He had been shot two times.
The next victim was 56-year-old Charles Humphries, a former Child Abuse Investigator and former Cheif of Police. His body was found in Marion County on September 12th. He was discovered fully clothed and had been shot six times in the head and torso.
Her seventh and final victim was 62-year-old Walter Jeno Antonio. On November 19th, his half-naked body was found in Dixie County. He had been shot four times.

After the murder of Peter Siems, the police were provided with the names and descriptions of Wuornos and Moore who were seen abandoning the victim's car. Wuornos had also left fingerprints in the vehicle and due to her criminal record, her details were on the file.
On January 9th, 1991, Wuornos was found and arrested at 'The Last Resort', a biker bar. Tyria Moore was located next day and she agreed to elicit a confession from Wuronos in exchange for immunity from prosecution. After numerous phone calls to Wuornos, Moore begged her to help clear her name. Three days later, Wuornos confessed to the murders, however, she claimed that she killed them in self-defense after the men tried to rape her.
On January 27th, 1992, Wuornos was convicted of the murder of Richard Mallory. Psychiatrists came to the conclusion that Wuornos was mentally unstable and was eventually diagnosed with borderline personality disorder and antisocial personality disorder.
On May 15th, Wuornos was convicted of the murders of Dick Humphreys, Troy Burress and David Spears. She then pleaded guilty to the murder of Charles Carskaddon one month later. Finally, in February 1993, Wuornos pleaded guilty to the murder of Walter Jeno Antonio.
Aileen Wuornos was given a total of six death sentences, as she was not convicted of the murder of Peter Siems due to the fact that the body was never found.

Wuornos was incarcerated in the Florida Department of Corrections Broward Correctional Institution (BCI) death row for women and was later transferred to Florida State Prison for execution. In a 2001 petition to the Florida Supreme Court, Wuornos commented, "I killed those men, robbed them as cold as ice. And I'd do it again, too. There's no chance in keeping me alive or anything, because I'd kill again. I have hate crawling through my system...and I am so sick of hearing this 'she's crazy' stuff. I've been evaluated so many times. I'm competent, sane, and I'm trying to tell the truth. I'm one who seriously hates human life and would kill again."
One year later, Wuornos was plagued with the delusion that prison matrons were tainting her food with saliva, dirt and urine. She also believed that people were trying to make her commit suicide before the execution and that the officers wanted to rape her.

Just weeks before her execution, Wuornos gave a series of interviews. She described how she felt about the execution and complained about the fact that her mind was tortured at BCI. Suddenly, she turned on the interviewer and shouted, "You sabotaged my ass! Society, and the cops, and the system! A raped women got executed, and was used for books and movies and shit!" Her final words on camera were, "Thanks a lot, society, for railroading my ass."
On October 9th, 2002, Wuornos was executed at 9:47 AM. She requested "Kentucky Fried Chicken and french fries" as her last meal and her last words were, "Yes, I would just like to say I'm sailing with the rock, and I'll be back, like Independence Day, with Jesus. June 6, like the movie. Big mother ship and all, I'll be back, I'll be back."

Tuesday 25 November 2014

Gary Heidnik

Gary Michael Heidnik was born on November 22nd 1943. He grew up to become a killer who kidnapped, tortured, raped and murdered five women who were imprisoned in his basement in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

His story begins in Ohio where he lived with his mother, father and younger brother, Terry. In 1946, Heidnik's parents divorced and was placed in the custody of his father and new wife, four years after being taken care of by his mother. Heidnik claimed that his father was an abusive man and would force him to hang up his bed sheets outside of the window whenever he wet the bed. In school, Heidnik was a loner, refused to make eye-contact with anyone and was bullied for his odd appearance. He was seen as a strange child and when a teacher asked him a simple question, Heidnik screamed at her and told her that she was not worthy enough to talk to him.
Despite this behaviour in school, Heidnik was a smart young man and joined the United States Army when he was 17-years-old. His drill sergeant graded him as "excellent", however, in August 1962, Heidnik began to complain of severe headaches, dizziness, blurred vision and nausea. As a result, he was analysed by a neurologists who discovered that Heidnik was suffering from gastroenteritis (infectious diarrhoea) and also found that he displayed symptoms of mental illness. In October, that same year, Heidnik was diagnosed with schizoid personality disorder and was later discharged from military service.

During adulthood, Heidnik and his brother, Terry were in and out of psychiatric hospitals after trying to commit suicide multiple times. It was even found that Heidnik had tried to take his life 13 times.
In 1970, his mother had committed suicide by drinking mercuric chloride as she was suffering from bone cancer and alcoholism.

In 1978, Heidnik was imprisoned for signing his girlfriend's sister, Alberta Davidson, out of the mental institution that she was currently staying in. He had kept her prisoner in a storage room in his basement where she was later found by police and taken back to the hospital. Davidson was examined and doctors found that she had been raped and contracted gonorrhoea. Heidnik was incarcerated inside of a mental institution for three years and during his time there, he had given a note to one of the guards that stated that Satan had stuffed a cookie down his throat, preventing him from speaking. Heidnik remained silent for 2 years and 3 months.

Heidnik's home

When Heidnik was eventually released, he abducted his first victim, Josefina Rivera, in 1986. Josefina was chained to the floor and would even be forced to stand in a small pit that Heidnik had dug for punishment as she regularly tried to escape. His next victim was Sandra Lindsay who again received the same treatment as Rivera. The two women would sit in the cold, dark basement, naked and starving and would be repeatably raped and tortured. He continued to kidnap women and soon had five women imprisoned in his basement. He would do as he pleased to these women and would rape and torture them over and over again. He would humiliate them by forcing them to have sex with each other and eat dog food.
On February 7th, 1987, Heidnik was angry with Lindsay for unknown reasons and punished her by hanging her by her wrist for two days. Lindsay later died due to a combination of starvation, continuous torture and an untreated fever. Heidnik disposed of the body by dismembering it, boiling her head in a pot, grinding up the remaining flesh in his food processor and then later feeding the sludge to his dogs and the surviving victims. However, Heidnik had had some trouble disposing of the arms and legs, so he stored them in his freezer and marked them as "dog food".
He would also torture the women by electrocuting them. If they misbehaved, he would bound them in chains and then continuously electrocute them before they were dumped in the pit.

Heidnik soon formed attachments with some of these women and found his favourite victim to be Rivera who he would call "Nicole". Heidnik would force Rivera to help him as he tortured the other women and later bribed her into turning against her fellow victims.
Rivera told him that the other women were planning on rebelling against him and so, Heidnik punished the other women by driving screwdrivers into their eardrums, deafening them. Rivera would receive "privileges" such as no longer being electrocuted, being aloud upstairs to accompany him during a movie and being raped in a more comfortable environment.
On March 19th, 1987, Heidnik had finally snapped due to one of his victims, Deborah Dudley, constant attitude as she always defended herself against him. He threw her into the pit that he had filled with water and continuously electrocuted her until she was dead. Later that night, Rivera and Heidnik disposed of the body and abducted another victim, Agnes Adams, to replace Dudley.

Heidnik's victims (top left is Rivera)

On March 24th, Rivera asked Heidnik for his permission to see her family. Truly believing that she would not tell the authorities, Heidnik allowed her request.
When Rivera was finally inside of her house, safe and sound, she told her boyfriend about Heidnik and the other women in the basement. Without hesitation, the police were called and Heidnik was finally arrested.

He appeared in court in June 1988. He claimed that the women were already in the house when he moved in, however, this clearly was an unlikely fact. He then defended himself by stating that he had no idea what he was doing as he was clearly insane. Despite the continuous excuses, Heidnik was convicted of two counts of first-degree murder, five kidnappings, six counts of rape, four counts of aggravated assault and finally, one involuntary deviant of sexual intercourse. Heidnik was then sentenced to death by lethal injection.
During his time in jail, on December 31st, Heidnik tried to commit suicide by overdosing on Thorazine (an anitpsychotic), however he only fell into a brief coma.
On July 6th, 1999, Gary Heidnik was executed by lethal injection at State Correctional Institute - Rockview, Pennsylvania.

Monday 10 November 2014

Richard Chase

Richard Trenton Chase was born in 1950. As a child, he was beaten regularly by his father and became an alcoholic when he was just a teenager. He also developed an obsession for fire starting and killing animals. Due to this tough upbringing, Chase grew up to be known as 'The Vampire of Sacramento'. He gained this unusual nickname due to the fact that he would drink the blood of his victims and eat their internal organs.

Chase moved into his mothers and fathers house at the start of his adult life. However, he then began accusing his mother of trying to poison him and he was soon forced out of the house by his father. Once Chase had moved into his new apartment, he found the perfect opportunity to begin killing and dismembering animals which he would then eat raw. He would also blend their flesh, making himself smoothies. He suffered with the paranoid delusion that his heart was going to shrink and so, he believed that if he drank these smoothies, they would prevent him dying.
Chase was admitted to a mental institution in 1975 after injecting rabbit blood into his veins. After escaping from the hospital, Chase was sent to a mental institute for the criminally insane where he was referred to as "Dracula" after staff found him drinking the blood of two birds he had caught through the bars on his window.
In 1976, Chase was found to be stable enough to go back into society and was released for the hospital.  However, his mother believed that Chase did not need the anti-schizophrenic medication that he was subscribed and so, he was taken off of it.
Despite thinking that he was fine, Chase was far from it. Once he moved back into his apartment, he once again began torturing, killing and drinking the blood of various animals. During this time, he had also developed an obsession for firearms and the Hillside Strangler, Kenneth Bianchi.
In 1977, Chase turned up at his parent's home and greeted his mother by thrusting a dead cat in her face which he then threw to the ground, ripped its stomach open with his bare hands and began to smother his face in it's blood. Despite this gruesome and unusual act, Chase's mother calmly walked back inside and did not report the incident to the police.
On August 3rd 1997, Chase's car was found by police in a sand ditch near a lake in Nevada. When they looked inside of the car, they discovered two riffles, clothes, a bucket full of blood and a cow's liver. Chase was then found screaming and naked in the sand, covered in blood. Officers questioned him and Chase stated that it was his own blood that had leaked out of his flesh.

On December 29th 1997, Chase committed his first murder and killed Ambrose Griffin in a drive-by shooting as he was helping his wife take the groceries into the house.
In January 1978, he attempted to break into a woman's home. However, the doors were locked and to Chase, this meant that he was not welcome. After then being refused a ride home, from a girl he recognised, due to his frightening appearance, Chase wondered down the street where he broke into the home of a young couple. He then stole their clothing, urinated into a draw in their babies room and defecated onto their sons bed.
Chase continued to enter the homes of strangers and came across the home of David and Teresa Williams who was three months pregnant. Teresa had opened the door to take out the bins and Chase found the opportunity to sneak in. Once she entered back into the house, Chase shot her three times before dragging the body into the bed room, having sex with it and continuously stabbing it with a butcher knife. Then, Chase sliced the corpse open, removed some of her internal organs and then filled a bucket with her blood so he could bathe in it. He then sliced off her nipple and used an empty yoghurt container which he used as a cup so he could drink her blood. After he was finished, he walked into the garden where he collected dog feces and stuffed them down the corpses throat and mouth.
Two days after Teresa's murder, Chase had bought two puppies from a local pet store before killing them and drinking their blood.

On January 27th, Chase committed his final murder.
He had broken into the home of Evelyn Miroth who was babysitting her 22-month-old son, David. Evelyn's other son, Jason and friend, Dan Meredith were also present at the time. As Evelyn was having a bath, she did not realise that downstairs, Dan had just been killed by Chase. Terrified, Jason ran to his mothers bedroom but was then shot in the head, killing him instantly. David was then also shot in the head. Chase then shot Evelyn while she was in the bath, dragged her body into the bedroom and had sex with her. He also drank her blood by drinking out of several slices on the back of her neck. After he was done, Chase then stabbed Evelyn multiple times in the uterus, even though she was already dead. He then drained the rest of her blood into a bucket and consumed every last drop. Chase then slit David's skull open in the bathroom and consumed parts of his brain. He then took the body home and continued to do more disgusting and horrifying things to the tiny corpse.

Chase's blender

Five days after the mass murder, the FBI were notified by Nancy Holden (the girl who had refused Chase a ride home on the night of Teresa Wallin's murder) who believed that he was responsible for the murders. After gathering enough evidence to question Chase, police went to his apartment. Upon arriving, Chase refused to talk to them. Police tricked him into thinking that they had left, but soon arrested him after he left the apartment carrying a blood stained box, wearing blood stained shoes. His apartment was then searched where police found the walls, floor, ceiling, fridge and all of Chase's eating and drinking utensils covered in blood. They also found the blender that Chase used to make his smoothies which reeked of rotting flesh. His fridge was then searched and police found animal body parts, David's brains in a tupperware box followed by pieces of his body and finally, Evelyn and Teresa's organs.

In 1979, Chase was charged with six counts of murder. As he was clearly insane, Chase had a chance to avoid the death penalty. However, the jury found him guilty and the judge found him to be sane. He was sentenced to be executed in the gas chamber.
As Chase was in prison, he was feared by all, including gang members. Chase was interviewed by many people and said that the killings were not his fault. He claimed that Nazi UFO's were watching him and he had to kill to stay alive. He also believed that the officers were plotting against him and were in league with the Nazis.

On December 26th 1980, Richard Chase was found dead in his prison cell after overdosing on anti-depressants which he had been saving up for weeks.

Ted Bundy Execution

Theodore Bundy was executed by the electric chair on January 24th, 1989 at 7.00am at Starke State Prison in Florida.

Friday 7 November 2014

Albert Fish

Albert Hamilton Fish was born on May 19th, 1870 and was born as 'Hamilton Fish', however, he wished to be called Albert, after a dead sibling, to escape the nickname "Ham and Eggs" which was given to him at an orphanage. He had three living siblings and many of his family members suffered from mental illnesses.
After his father had died in 1875, his mother put Fish in an orphanage where he was usually beaten. Despite the pain, Fish noticed that he enjoyed the beatings and would get an erection which the other orphans would tease him about. He was finally bought home in 1879 after his mother was stable enough to look after him. At the age of 12, Fish had started a homosexual relationship and had also began drinking his own urine, consuming his own feces and watching boys undress in public baths.
In 1890, Fish moved to New York where he became a male prostitute and had began raping young boys after his mother announced that he was arranged to be married. With this woman, he had six children.
He continued to rape and abuse young children and would have many secret homosexual relationships. He recalled one incident where he was taken to a wax museum where his eyes immediately drew to a sculpture of a large penis and he later developed a obsession with castration. He even attempted to castrate his lover who luckily escaped after Fish had tied him down.
After his wife left him in January 1917, Fish had began hearing voices and would do whatever they told him to. For instance, he was once found wrapped up in a carpet and explained that he was following the instructions of a voice named, 'John the Apostle'.

*Needles that Fish had inserted into himself for pleasure:

In 1910, Fish killed his first victim, Thomas Bedden and another young boy in 1919. It was not until 1934 that police discovered that Albert Fish was also responsible for the disappearance of Grace Budd who was thought to be kidnapped by a man named Charles Edward Pope, arrested in September 1930. The Budd family had received an anonymous letter which read, word from word....

"Dear Mrs, Budd,
In 1894 a friend of mine shipped as a deck hand on the Steamer Tacoma, Capt. John Davis. They sailed from San Francisco for Hong Kong, China. On arriving there he and two others went ashore and got drunk. When they returned the boat was gone. At that time there was famine in China. Meat of any kind was from $1-3 per pound. So great was the suffering among the very poor that all children under 12 were sold for food in order to keep others from starving. A boy or girl under 14 was not safe in the street. You could go in any shop and ask for steak-chops-or stew meat. Part of the naked body of a boy or girl would be bought out and just what you wanted cut from it. A boy or girl's behind which is the sweetest part of the body and sold as veal cutlet brought the highest price. John staid there so long he acquired a taste for human flesh. On his return to N.Y. he stole two boys, one 7, one 11. Took them into his home stripped them naked tied them in a closet. Then burned everything they had on. Several times every day and night he spanked them - tortured them - to make their meat good and tender. First he killed the 11 year old boy, because he had the fattest ass and of course the most meat on it. Every part of his body was cooked and eaten except the head - bones and guts. He was roasted in the oven (all of his ass), boiled, broiled, fried and stewed. The little boy was next, went the same way. At that time, I was living at 409 E 100st., near - right side. He told me so often how good human flesh was I made up my mind to taste it.
On Sunday June the 3, 1928 I called on you at 406 W 15 St. Brought you pot cheese - strawberries. We had lunch. Grace sat in my lap and kissed me. I made up my mind to eat her. On the pretense of taking her to a party. You said yes she could go. I took her to an empty house in Westchester I had already picked out. When we got there, I told her to remain outside. She picked wildflowers. I went upstairs and stripped all my clothes off. I knew if I did not I would get her blood on them. When all was ready I went to the window and called her. Then I hid in a closet until she was in the room. When she saw me all naked she began to cry and tried to run down the stairs. I grabbed her and she said she would tell her mamma. First I stripped her naked. How she did kick - bite and scratch. I choked her to death, then cut her in small pieces so I could take my meat to my rooms. Cook and eat it. How sweet and tender her little ass was roasted in the oven. It took me 9 days to eat her entire body. I did not fuck her tho I could of had I wished. She died a virgin."

Fish was finally captured after police were able to trace back to where the letter had been sent. When he was told that he would be taken in for questioning, Fish lunged at the officer with a razor in his hand, however, he was disarmed and taken to headquarters. When asked about the note, Fish did not deny killing her and in fact stated that his aim was to actually kill Edward Budd, Grace's older brother.

The trial began on March 11th, 1935. Fish pleaded not guilty due to reason of insanity and said that he had been hearing voices from God, telling him to kill children. A number of psychiatrists were unsure whether Fish was insane due to his sexual fetishes, where others were convinced that he was indeed insane. None the less, the jury found Fish to be sane and guilty and the judge ordered the death sentence where he would be incarcerated in Sing Sing's death row. After the sentencing, Fish then confessed to the murder of another young boy called Francis. X McDonnell. The court now knew that Fish was the murderer of Billy Gaffney (aged 8), Grace Budd (aged 10) and Francis. X McDonnell (aged 8).
On January 16th, 1936, Albert Fish was killed by the electric chair and was pronounced dead at 11:09pm. His last words were, "I don't even know why I am here."